Rhianna Dhillon
Film and TV critic, broadcaster & Harry Potter nerd. @BBC6Music | @BAFTA | @podpodofficial | @bbc5live (she/her)rhiannadhilloncritic@gmail.com
Appears in 3 Episodes
FEMALE MONSTERS 08 • Aliens (1986)
We deep-dive into Aliens (1986), one of the most acclaimed and beloved sci-fi horror films of all-time.
HERE BE WITCHES 14 • Practical Magic (1998) with Rhianna Dhillon
Anna is joined by film critic Rhianna Dhillon to discuss the romcom horror Practical Magic (1998), an extremely nineties mix of witch movie, supernatural horror and ro...
HERE BE WITCHES 02 • Maleficent (2014) with Rhianna Dhillon
Anna is joined by film critic and broadcaster Rhianna Dhillon to dive into the different versions of Maleficent, from the campy witch of Sleeping Beauty (1959) to the ...